Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Taiwan Hijinks!!

So many people have asked me about taiwan! so heres the scoop!
What a crazy trip it was to taiwan! It was definatly up there with the time i went to lourdes! (it sounds gay, but it was one cool experience!!) Where to begin talking about it!

6th of february:
My birthday! woo! 17! however it was quite oddly spent seeing as i spent the entire day in the air! it kinda sucked! but sher! it beats the hell out of going to school! we had to get our first plane from Dublin to Amsterdam. It was okay, Aer Lingus, what can i say!
Funny story bout Amsterdam airport! I headed to the toilet, and i was waitin to get into a cubicule and there was a chinese guy beside me. And while we were waiting this woman came in and looked around the toilet and checked the cubicals and all! then stood in the middle of the toilets fer a few mins then left! the chinese guy just looked at me and we started pissin ourselves laughing! The awkwardness of the situation was brilliant!
We then got our flight from amsterdam to bankok. I was sat beside a dutch woman, who was kinda weird, but also kinda cool! She had a bit of english and she was tellin me she decided to leave work to travel the world! Gotta respect that! After 9 hours we eventually got into bankok! After "arsing" around there for a while we then got a plane to the capital of taiwan, Taipei, and a smaller plane to the south west of the country, Kaoishung. There was one problem when we got there tho! Our puppets arrived in the massive yellow bags we had put them in, but none of our own luggage had arrived! and at this stage we had been in our clothes for TOO long nearly 2 days! it was horrible! but the luggage wud arrive the next day!

We had our first bit of work when we got there, well, we sleeped alot first! Our first bit of work we did was crazy! we went to the parade grounds with our puppets, and that was grand! Haha! But then they put us on the back of these jeeps, all four of us!! And we took off around the city! It has to be the weirdest thing ive ever done! The peoples faces were the best! They were like "What the FUCK is goin on here then!" I was the old woman puppet, then eddie milbourne was in the old man puppet, niall deehan in the Woman puppet and dominic palmer in the crazy eyes puppet! what a bunch we were! (Ill put pics up soon). so there we were hangin off these jeeps in our puppets! it was great! Then we headed back to the parade ground for a press conference! One of the funniest things that happened that day was when we got off the jeeps the govener for the county was walking buy! and in the old woman puppet i wne over and ugged him and absolutly smotherd him cos he was TINY! so funny! Then we just had to wait around fer a unoffical opening to the "global puppet festival". Then Back to the hotlel for sum sleeping! aw yeeee!